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USMLE Step 2 CK Rapid Review (HyGuru)
USMLE Step 2 CK: Principles for Preparation and Test Taking Strategies
USMLE Step 2 CK 'Principles for Preparation and Test Taking Strategies' Handout (PDF)
Course Overview (3:53)
A Preview to the Notion USMLE Notes Review Template (6:10)
USPSTF Guidelines (updated 2025)
HyGuru Notion Step 2 CK Notes Template
Introduction to USMLE Step 2 CK Test Taking Masterclass (4:52)
Course Agreement & Disclaimer
USMLE Step 2 CK Think Like the Test Maker Handout (PDF)
Key Mindsets (2:03)
Masterclass Overview (4:36)
Difference between Step 1 vs. Step 2 CK (4:20)
Approach to ‘What is the likely Diagnosis’ (6:40)
Approach to ‘What is the NBS in Management’ (6:14)
Unstable Vital Signs on Step 2 CK (4:16)
Application of NBS Strategy (2:32)
Drug Ad, Research Based Question, & Interpretation of Chart (6:43)
Principles of Productivity for Shelf & USMLE Step 2 CK
USMLE Step 2 CK 'Principles of Productivity for Shelf & USMLE Step 2 CK' Handout (PDF)
How to Study on Clerkships (9:32)
USMLE Step 2 CK Rapid Review Drill (2:24)
Dedicated Study (Introduction) (2:43)
Mapping out NBME Assessments (1:54)
Daily Dedicated Study Schedule (4:17)
Reviewing UWorld Step 2 CK (Fab 5) (12:58)
Concept Mapping UW Questions (6:35)
Utilizing AI & Chat GPT for USMLE (3:03)
Essential Triad (UW) (1:42)
Reviewing Incorrects (0:43)
Reviewing your Notes & UW Algorithms (FAQ) (2:21)
Approaching ‘Down to 2’ (4:42)
Improving on NBMEs (4:33)
Productivity Techniques for Step 2 CK (3:42)
How to take notes from UWorld 📝 | USMLE Step 1 & 2 CK
What is UWorld (3:02)
Session Overview (2:15)
Mindset 1 (3:16)
Mindset 2 (1:03)
Mindset 3 (3:33)
UWorld Workflow (0:35)
Tutor vs Timed Mode (4:35)
Intro to UW Review (3:12)
Mindset 4 (1:00)
Intro to Fab 5 (1:09)
Mindset_5 (0:52)
Rapid Big Picture (3:26)
Fab 5 (8:02)
OPEN LEAF (4:31)
Reviewing the Explanation (4:08)
Creating_a_Vignette-Based_Card (5:58)
Demographics (1:02)
Vignette Structure (1:30)
Notion Demo (3:08)
Conclusion (11:49)
Clerkship Specific Test Taking Strategies (USMLE Step 2 CK)
USMLE Step 2 CK 'Clerkship Specific Test Taking Strategies (USMLE Step 2 CK)' Handout (PDF)
Stem Paraphrase Predict (8:44)
Systematic Thinking & Clinical Reasoning (1:42)
Test Taking Strategies Gynecology 👵🏻 (10:38)
Test Taking Strategies Obstetrics 🤰🏼 (11:06)
Test Taking Strategies Pediatrics 👶🏼 (19:39)
Test Taking Strategies Psychiatry 🧐 (7:03)
Test Taking Strategies Family Medicine 🩺 (20:19)
Test Taking Strategies Internal Medicine - Cardiology 🫀 (11:42)
Test Taking Strategies Internal Medicine - Respiratory 🫁 (8:21)
Test Taking Strategies Internal Medicine - Renal 🚽 (7:20)
Test Taking Strategies Internal Medicine - Heme 🩸 (0:23)
Test Taking Strategies Internal Medicine - Neurology 🧠 (6:14)
Test Taking Strategies Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology 💩 (9:07)
Test Taking Strategies Internal Medicine - Endocrinology 🍭 (8:36)
Test Taking Strategies Internal Medicine - Rheumatology 🦴 (6:29)
Test Taking Strategies Internal Medicine - Dermatology 🧴 (4:09)
Test Taking Strategies Internal Medicine - Infectious Disease 🧫 (5:06)
Test Taking Strategies Internal Medicine - Ophthalmology 👁️ (3:21)
Test Taking Strategies Surgery 🔪 (4:23)
Conclusion & Test Taking Psychology (1:21)
Thinking Like the Test Maker | Understanding a Vignette
USMLE Step 2 CK 'Understanding a Vignette' Handout (PDF)
Anatomy of a USMLE Question (7:46)
Chief Complaint (7:41)
Mental Frameworks (2:57)
Summary of the Chief Complaint (1:26)
History of Present Illness (14:48)
Refractory in USMLE Questions (1:08)
Past Medical History (11:42)
Medications (11:08)
Therapeutic Index & Pharmacokinetics (7:20)
Summary of Medications (1:11)
Allergies (7:10)
Social History (1:31)
Smoking Alcohol on the USMLE (14:04)
Portal Triad Hepatology (3:00)
Family History (6:53)
Pedigrees (6:10)
Summary of Family History (0:51)
Vital Sign (2:37)
Shock Integration (3:04)
Oxygen Delivery (5:19)
Growth Percentiles (5:32)
Summary of Vital Signs (2:05)
Physical Exam & Shock (2:58)
Murmurs (9:08)
Lung Physical Exam (2:18)
Hemostasis Physical Exam (2:43)
Oncology Physical Exam (3:16)
Labs (6:34)
Test Taking Approach to Labs (10:51)
CSF Interpretation (3:30)
Summary of Labs (1:15)
Imaging (4:02)
Test Taking Approach to Imaging (5:29)
Summary of Images (7:12)
Review of Stem, Paraphrase, & Predict (3:21)
USMLE Test Taking Psychology (5:04)
Approach to NBME Labs | USMLE Step 2 CK (Chemistries)
USMLE Step 2 CK 'Chemistries' Handout (PDF)
Introduction (10:44)
Review of Anatomy of a Vignette (1:08)
Approach to Labs (3:44)
Approach to LFTs (3:54)
Basic Science Integration (7:39)
Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia (2:04)
Approach to Alkaline Phosphatase (2:54)
Approach to the Gallbladder Tree (1:54)
Serum Lab Values (0:56)
Acute Kidney Injury (6:04)
Acid Base Integration (3:15)
Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis (7:28)
Glucose Disorders (2:54)
Hyperkalemia (2:57)
Chronic Sodium Abnormalities (5:10)
Hypernatremia (3:36)
Management of Hyperkalemia (4:40)
Secondary Hypertension (1:48)
Sodium Abnormalities (9:37)
Shock and Bicarbonate (1:01)
SIADH (1:08)
Summary (0:31)
Approach to NBME Labs | USMLE Step 2 CK (Hematology)
USMLE Step 2 CK 'Heme' Handout (PDF)
Introduction (4:05)
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (3:22)
Introduction to NBME Labs (5:43)
Basic Science Integration (6:49)
Breakdown of CBC (3:33)
Approach to Pancytopenia (2:01)
White Blood Cells (5:18)
Leukocytosis Differential (3:48)
Lymphadenopathy (3:50)
Anemia (3:58)
Basic Science Integration (3:08)
Hemolytic Anemia (2:32)
Sickle Cell Disease Integration (4:01)
Long Term Management for Sickle Cell Disease (5:45)
Polycythemia (0:40)
Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease (6:18)
Thrombocytopenia (9:27)
Primary vs Secondary Hemostasis (4:16)
Pharmacology Rapid Review (4:34)
Summary (0:35)
Approach to NBME Labs | USMLE Step 2 CK (Urine Analysis & CSF)
Session Outline (2:50)
Approach to Labs (4:16)
Urine Studies (3:29)
Approach to Lower UTI Symptoms (6:02)
Urine Analysis (5:27)
Rhabdomyolysis (5:07)
Specific Gravity (2:40)
DI vs SIADH (10:21)
Acute Kidney Injury (6:09)
UA Interpretation (7:14)
CSF Interpretation (6:33)
MS vs GBS (4:27)
CSF Analysis (4:58)
Meningitis (2:30)
Elevated Opening Pressure (7:45)
Summary (0:19)
Approach to Labs on the USMLE (Urine Analysis) Handout
Test Taking Strategy | How To Interpret Vital Signs on Shelf & USMLE Step 2 CK
USMLE Step 2 CK 'Vital Signs' Handout (PDF)
Introduction (4:17)
Temperature (0:46)
Hyperthermia (5:18)
Heart Rate (0:43)
Tachycardia (4:16)
Bradycardia (2:40)
Respiratory Rate (0:29)
Tachypnea (2:23)
Bradypnea (1:11)
Blood Pressure (1:17)
Hypotension (4:36)
Summary of Vital Sign Strategy (1:15)
NBME-Style Practice Question (4:07)
Top NBME Shelf Concepts - Pediatrics (USMLE Step 2 CK)
USMLE Step 2 CK 'Top NBME Shelf Concepts - Pediatrics' Handout (PDF)
Shelf Review 'Pediatrics' Handout (PDF)
Introduction (9:26)
Cyanosis in Newborn (4:49)
Cyanotic Heart Disease in Newborns (4:01)
Pediatric Heart Failure (6:32)
Bronchiolitis (4:34)
Asthma Management (3:49)
Foreign Body Ingestion (1:37)
Approach to Stridor (6:00)
Febrile Seizures (2:02)
Seizure Causes (2:28)
The Gallbladder Tree (4:04)
Iron Deficiency Anemia (6:16)
UTI in Pediatrics (4:37)
Hematuria (3:02)
Sickle Cell Disease (2:52)
Indications for Exchange Transfusion (2:30)
Ear Pain (3:12)
Systems Based Integration of the Neonate (10:33)
Neonatal Skin Lesions (1:34)
Developmental Milestones (5:28)
Comprehensive Rapid Review (USMLE Step 2 CK): Pediatrics
USMLE Step 2 CK Pediatrics Handout (PDF)
Introduction (5:01)
Long QT Syndromes Romano Ward Jervell Lange Nielsen Acquired Long QT (4:37)
Palpitations SVT Baroreceptor reflex Tumor Lysis syndrome (6:01)
Hyperkalemia (3:39)
Infant of a Diabetic Mother (7:16)
High Yield Pediatric Syndromes (8:08)
Kawasaki Disease (6:10)
Benign Childhood Murmurs (6:15)
Breath Holding Spell (3:39)
nARDS (3:51)
The Cyanotic Newborn (6:51)
Neonatal Coagulopathy (4:33)
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (4:52)
Pediatric Upper Airway Disorders (7:17)
Pediatric Deep Neck Infections and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (6:32)
Pediatric Neurological Disorders (9:50)
Pediatrics Seizures (4:01)
Neonatal Jaundice (4:43)
Pediatric Trauma (8:14)
Pediatric Genetic Disorders (9:55)
Pediatric Disorders with Intellectual Disability (6:20)
Failure to Pass Meconium (5:20)
Sickle Cell Anemia (8:52)
Inflammatory GI Disorders (5:41)
Inflammatory Bowel Part 2 (5:24)
Necrotizing Enterocolitis (6:53)
Pediatric Obstruction (9:17)
Pediatric Renal Disease (8:24)
Glomerular Disorders & Enuresis (9:06)
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (6:03)
Neuroblastoma and Nephroblastoma (13:24)
Inborn Errors of Metabolism (3:25)
Immunodeficiency (4:54)
TORCH & Congenital Infections (3:42)
Puberty & Growth Disorders (6:24)
Pediatric Bone Disorders (12:41)
High Yield Image in Radiology for the USMLE Step 1
Introduction (1:34)
Introduction to Images (3:22)
Media Use to Enhance Vignettes (1:51)
Modalities of Imaging (4:12)
Abscesses & US (4:06)
ButtonBattery & CXR (2:10)
CT Scan (1:39)
MRI (2:06)
Pneumothorax (4:30)
Next Step in Management (2:59)
Sarcoidosis (3:11)
Pleural Effusion Lights Criteria (3:50)
Complications of PNA (5:42)
ARDS (5:14)
Clubbing (2:33)
Osteoarthritis (2:42)
Ankylosing Spondylitis (2:08)
High Yield CT & MRI_Images (1:48)
Ascites Fluid (6:59)
Intracranial Pressure Management (3:01)
Pediatric Radiology Review (4:09)
Absent Tymic Shadow (1:53)
Comprehensive Rapid Review (USMLE Step 2 CK): Internal Medicine
USMLE Step 2 CK 'Internal Medicine' Handout (PDF)
Introduction (11:39)
Test Taking Strategy Problem Represention (3:47)
Tempo of a Disease (6:59)
Application of Problem Representations (7:00)
Diagnostic Schemas (3:31)
Approach to Diagnosis Questions (2:10)
Approach to Management Questions (2:55)
Spaced Repetition Review (2:43)
When to ask a Question (2:08)
Aortic Dissection (3:05)
How to Approachn EKG Questions (3:54)
Atrial Fibrillation (4:32)
CHADSVASC Scoring (3:45)
Atrial Fibrillation Management (1:35)
Arrhythmia Management (2:45)
Diagnostic Schema Chest Pain (3:13)
Atherosclerosis (3:58)
Hyperlipidemia (7:42)
Hypertension (5:17)
Secondary Hypertension (3:19)
Heart Failure (3:41)
Myocardial Infarction (2:10)
CHF Pharmaco (1:48)
Endo Myo Pericarditis (6:39)
Respiratory Failure (3:09)
Mechanical Ventilation (4:06)
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (4:35)
Pneumothorax (1:51)
Hypoxemia (3:54)
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (3:56)
Lung Cancer (2:30)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (6:03)
Asthma (3:59)
Pleural Effusions (4:44)
Apiration Pneumonia (1:19)
Chronic Cough (1:07)
Hemoptysis (2:12)
Pulmonary Embolism (4:19)
Introduction to Strokes (5:29)
Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP) (4:10)
Localizing Focal Neurological Deficits (5:08)
Interpretation of CSF (5:25)
Chronic Neurological Disorders (10:36)
Spinal Cord Pathology (3:26)
Tremor & Gait Disorders (5:11)
Esophageal Disorders (8:33)
Chole-disorders (Hepatology) (9:45)
Acid Base Integration (1:23)
Conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia (2:28)
PBC vs. PSC (2:08)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (6:30)
Malabsorption (2:11)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (1:30)
Paget Disease of Bone (1:25)
Miscellaneous GI Disorders (4:01)
Interpretation of Liver Labs (2:53)
Portal Hypertension (5:35)
Acute Mesenteric Ischemia vs. Chronic Ischemia (3:21)
Pancreatic Disorders (4:57)
Spaced Repetition Review (2:04)
Introduction to Acute Kidney Injury (3:59)
Pre Renal Azotemia (3:04)
Application of AKI (1:49)
Glomerular Injury & Hematuria (2:29)
Nephrotic vs Nephritic Syndrome (6:47)
Diabetic Nephropathy Mechanism & Management (2:31)
Urinary Incontinence (3:25)
Infections in the Urinary System (3:16)
Urine Casts Uropathy (2:49)
Chronic Kidney Disease (2:22)
Nephrolithiasis (4:11)
Bicarbonate Acidosis (2:33)
Masses of the Genitourinary Tract (3:45)
Spaced Repetition Review (1:59)
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (3:42)
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (4:08)
Hemolytic Anemia (3:20)
Acute Sickle Cell Management (2:34)
Chronic Sickle Cell Management (3:24)
Hypercoagulability States (5:18)
ITP vs TTP (2:29)
Plasma Cell Neoplasms (2:38)
Metastasis (1:41)
Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (4:07)
Transfusion Reactions (5:41)
Spaced Repetition Review (2:42)
DIC (2:13)
Leukemia (2:59)
Anatomy of a CBC (2:29)
Systemic Inflammation (4:01)
Multi-System Vignettes (3:49)
The Immunocompromised Patient (5:40)
Infection Management & Prevention (3:41)
Spaced Repetition Review (2:59)
Nosocomial Infections (2:03)
Infections of the Skin (2:05)
Herpes Infections (3:18)
Hepatitis B Serologies (2:15)
Infections of the Bone and Joint (6:42)
RA vs OA (5:46)
Gout (2:01)
Rheumatology and Systemic Associations (3:49)
Autoimmune Phenomena (2:45)
Spaced Repetition Review (3:09)
DKA (5:05)
Type 2 DM (3:57)
Dermatology for the USMLE (3:52)
Work up of a Thyroid Nodule (5:12)
Approach to Polyuria (5:26)
Spaced Repetition Review (2:07)
Abnormalities of Cortisol Levels (8:09)
Calcium PTH Homeostasis (8:40)
Spaced Repetition Review (1:44)
Glaucoma & Cataracts (2:34)
Uveitis for the USMLE (1:55)
Spaced Repetition Review (2:07)
Summary & Review (7:52)
Normal Aging | Family Medicine (USMLE Step 2 CK)
Introduction to Aging (1:09)
Normal Aging vs Major Cognitive Disorder (4:18)
Telomerase Activity (5:04)
Organ System Based Changes (7:33)
Baroreceptor in Aging (3:55)
Anti-Cholinergic Medications (3:58)
Spinal Changes in Aging (2:22)
Obesity Associated Co-morbidities (3:15)
CV Changes in the Elderly (8:00)
Presbyopia vs Presbycusis (8:00)
Normal Aging vs Pathology (2:33)
Skin Reproductive Changes with Aging (6:18)
Delirium vs Dementia (1:25)
Summary (3:27)
Health Prevention & Screening | Family Medicine (USMLE Step 2 CK)
Introduction (3:35)
Session Outline (4:05)
Screening Pyramid (4:02)
Epidemiology (3:10)
Sensitivity vs Specificity (2:18)
USPSTF Recommendations (12:29)
Hypertension (8:16)
Test Taking Framework (4:12)
Smoking (3:48)
Lung vs AAA (0:59)
Colonoscopy Screening (2:27)
Cervical Cancer Screening (4:16)
Palpable Breast Mass Screening (8:37)
Osteoporosis (7:08)
HPV Screening (8:16)
High Yield Risk Factors | Family Medicine (USMLE Step 2 CK)
USMLE Step 2 CK 'High Yield Risk Factors for the USMLE Step 2 CK' Handout (PDF)
Introduction (4:20)
Session Outline (2:37)
Biostatistics Integration (5:16)
Hypertension (1:06)
Vignette Integration #1 (2:53)
Pre-Eclampsia (4:03)
Smoking as a RiskFactor (4:06)
Vignette Integration #2 (4:41)
Lung Cancer vs AAA (1:46)
Lung capacities (3:52)
Calcium/PTH Homeostasis (2:29)
Fat Malabsorption (1:35)
Alcoholism (1:39)
Breast Cancer (2:09)
Obesity (2:47)
Vignette Integration #3 (2:51)
Atherosclerosis (1:05)
Top NBME Shelf Concepts - Neurology
Introduction (7:02)
Guillain-Barre syndrome (7:58)
Neuromuscular Junction Disorders (6:30)
Paraneoplastic Syndromes (4:44)
Polymyositis vs Polymalgia Rheumatica (4:47)
Pharmacology of Neuromuscular Junction (11:00)
Ischemic Stroke (4:26)
Carotid Disease (4:30)
Neuroanatomy Review (17:23)
Hypertension (8:10)
Spinal Cord Syndromes (3:23)
ICP Management (3:40)
Multiple Sclerosis (2:55)
Step 2 CK Management (1:50)
Seizures (5:08)
Top NBME Shelf Concepts - Surgery (USMLE Step 2 CK)
(PDF) USMLE Step 2 CK Rapid Review - Surgery
Introduction to Surgery (0:56)
Active Learning Elements (2:02)
USMLE Test Taking Psychology (0:13)
About Hyguru (1:54)
Step 2 CK Percent Qs asked from Surgery (0:29)
USMLE Test Taking Frameworks (1:21)
USMLE Test Taking Strategy General Approach (4:07)
Operate or Not (2:20)
Building Blocks of a USMLE Question (3:25)
Steps of USMLE Test Taking Strategy Thinking (2:51)
How to create a Problem Representation from Chief Complaint (4:11)
Diagnostic Schema I3OT (4:35)
Active Recall Questions (1:36)
Localization of Abdominal Pain for the USMLE (2:41)
Approach to Diagnostic Imaging (10:06)
Lower GI Assessment (1:37)
Screening USPTF Guidelines for Colon Cancer (5:25)
Surgery Shelf Step 2CK Overview (0:47)
Hemodynamically Unstable Patients Approach (1:58)
Mechanism of Disease and Diagnosis (3:33)
NBME Style Question (2:10)
HyGuru Test Taking Tip (1:01)
Bilious Emesis (1:17)
Hirschsprung Disease (1:55)
Duodenal Atresia (1:10)
Downs Syndrome (1:23)
Duodenal vs. Jejunal Atresia (2:01)
Sigmoid Volvulus (0:39)
Meconium Ileus (2:00)
Biliary Atresia (4:17)
Neonatal Jaundice (2:28)
Anterior Mediastinal Mass (2:43)
Acute Appendicitis (5:12)
Acute Cholecystitis (3:43)
Differentiating Chole- Disorders (9:05)
Esophagitis (1:53)
Approach to Recurrent Pneumonia (1:12)
Zenker Diverticulum (2:02)
Approach to Dysphagia (1:55)
Mallory Weiss vs. Boerhaave Syndrome (3:23)
Alcoholic Cirrhosis (1:16)
Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding (1:59)
Octreotide (Pharmacology) (1:32)
Portal Hypertension (1:21)
Fibrous Adhesions (3:01)
Small Bowel Obstruction (3:13)
Hiatal Hernias (1:57)
Inguinal Hernias (4:21)
Femoral Hernias (2:11)
Mesenteric Ischemia (8:33)
Watershed Areas (2:59)
Colonic Adenocarcinoma (6:16)
Metastatic Liver Disease (2:02)
Colon Cancer (Genetics) (1:37)
Diverticulitis (5:24)
Complications of Diverticular disease (3:59)
Aortic dissection (2:09)
Blunt trauma (16:19)
Pelvic fracture (1:20)
Diaphragmatic injury (2:59)
Injury to tracheobronchial tree (3:32)
Tension pneumothorax NBME style question (2:10)
Chylothorax (2:54)
Lights criteria (2:38)
Empyema (2:11)
Uncomplicated VS Complicated pleural effusions (1:19)
Hemothorax VS Pneumothorax (1:09)
Acute pancreatitis (4:26)
Pancreatic acinus USMLE Step 1 integration (1:48)
Pancreatic pseudocyst (1:53)
Complications of pancreatitis: Pseudocyst VS Abscess (1:32)
ARDS NBME style question (3:13)
Chronic pancreatitis (1:57)
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (3:29)
Approach to the gallbladder tree (1:58)
Cholangiocarcinoma & other complications of ulcerative colitis (4:10)
Hepatocellular cancer (2:43)
Liver lesions USMLE Step 2 CK (3:20)
Abdominal compartment syndrome (3:28)
Adrenal crisis (5:28)
Pre-operative risk assessment (11:19)
Compartment syndrome of extremity (4:37)
Summary of MSK Questions Approach (5:31)
Cholesterol emboli syndrome (2:05)
Brachial plexus USMLE Step 1 integration (8:00)
Colles fracture (3:00)
Ankle injury and Ottawa Ankle rules (3:26)
Plantar fasciitis (1:10)
Knee eamination (2:50)
Fat emboli syndrome (2:38)
Hip muscle action, innervation and pathology (3:12)
Bursitis (2:46)
Osteoporosis (4:50)
Subacute Hip Pain (3:58)
Acute low back pain (1:40)
Spinal cord syndromes (2:45)
Spinal epidural abscess (3:10)
Traumatic brain injury (2:15)
Brain bleeds (7:04)
Management of raised ICP (5:11)
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (5:01)
Hyperkalemia (2:08)
Acute bacterial prostatitis (4:30)
Overflow incontinence (1:57)
Vignette distinction Acute VS Chronic prostatitis (3:05)
Prostate anatomy USMLE Step 1 integration (4:27)
Hypercalcemia (3:28)
Bladder cancer (2:45)
Urology cancers: Bladder cancer VS Renal cell cancer (3:46)
Varicocele (3:33)
Testicular torsion (3:10)
Scrotal Pathologies (1:34)
Urology USMLE Step 2 CK Vignettes (4:16)
Nephrolithiasis (12:24)
Lung cancer and AAA screening guidelines (2:15)
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (7:11)
Atherosclerosis stigmata (1:01)
Renin angiotensin USMLE Step 1 integration (4:52)
Acute pericarditis (3:30)
CABG indications, method and complications (4:31)
Aortic stenosis (4:12)
Aortic stenosis VS Aortic regurgitation (3:36)
Red eye approach (3:48)
Eye anatomy USMLE Step 1 integration (4:22)
Acute closed angle and open angle glaucoma (4:02)
Corneal ulcer (1:58)
Open globe injury (1:17)
Retinal detachment (0:59)
Pseudotumor cerebri (3:03)
Central retinal arterial occlusion VS Central retinal venous occlusion VS Hypertensive retinopathy (3:47)
Chemical burn in eye (2:13)
Necrotizing fasciitis (4:34)
Severe burns vignettes (6:14)
Inhalational injury (2:10)
Melanoma and Important USMLE step 2 CK skin lesions (7:23)
Keloids (1:08)
Hidradenitis suppurativa (3:04)
Venous insufficiency (11:53)
Breast_abscess (1:08)
Thyroid nodule next step (4:28)
Euthyroid sick syndrome (1:59)
Complications after thyroidectomy (6:41)
Breast cancer pathophysiology USMLE Step 1 integration (2:22)
Breast neoplasia vignettes (3:52)
Palpable breast mass approach (1:32)
Retropharyngeal abscess VS Peritonsillar abscess (2:11)
Laryngeal carcinoma (3:29)
Acute suppurative parotitis (3:12)
Pheochromocytoma (3:48)
Pain management (1:51)
Postoperative fever (6:00)
Postoperative complications by organ systems (4:43)
Post-operative PICU care (1:38)
Top NBME Shelf Concepts - Psychiatry (USMLE Step 2 CK)
Classroom Style Videos (USMLE Step 2 CK) (1:11)
USMLE Step 2 CK 'Psych' Handout (PDF)
Introduction (1:14)
Defense Mechanisms (2:55)
Psychosis & Delusions (3:37)
Hallucination & Psychotic Disorders (4:17)
Schizophrenia (part 2) (4:05)
Brief Psychotic Disorder (2:40)
Depressive Disorders (5:18)
Long Term Depression & Pregnancy (6:42)
Mania & Associated Disorders (2:50)
Side Effects of Lithium (4:13)
Introduction to Anxiety (6:56)
Specific Phobia Disorders (6:05)
Adjustment Disorder (1:57)
Personality Disorders Part 1 (4:29)
Personality Disorders Part 2 (3:20)
Substance Abuse Dependence Part 1 (5:41)
Substance Abuse Dependence Part 2 (7:47)
Cognitive Disorders (7:14)
Child Psychiatry (5:17)
Disordered Eating Behavior (3:55)
Psychotherapy (7:32)
Anti-Depressant and Anxiolytics Rapid Fire (2:17)
Somatiform and Sleep Disorders (5:35)
Psychopharmacology | Psychiatry Shelf
Psychopharmacology - PDF Handout
Introduction to Psychosis (2:08)
Dopaminergic Pathways for the USMLE (1:29)
Anti-Psychotics (3:08)
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (2:25)
MH vs. NMS vs. SS [integration] (1:57)
1st Generation Antipsychotics (6:53)
Rapid Review (1st generation) (1:46)
2nd Generation Anti-Psychotics (4:37)
Agranulocytosis Medications (1:45)
Anti-Depressants (Introduction) (2:21)
Serotonin Syndrome (3:31)
Anti-Depressants (Typical & Atypicals) (8:40)
Tricyclic Anti-Depressants (5:00)
Top NBME Shelf Concepts - OB/GYN (USMLE Step 2 CK)
Introduction (4:49)
Endometrial Hyperplasia (7:29)
Obstetrics (1:32)
Ectopic Pregnancy (6:07)
Hydatidiform Mole (5:02)
First Trimester Abdominal Pain (6:02)
First vs Third Trimester Bleeding (4:35)
Pregnancy Framework (8:46)
Fetal Heart Tracings (7:16)
Hypertension (9:57)
HELLP Syndrome (6:44)
Breast Feeding (2:37)
Gynecology (5:21)
PCOS (6:21)
Infectious Vignettes (2:33)
Pelvic Pain (2:12)
Abnormal Endometrial Tissue (2:41)
Comprehensive Rapid Review (USMLE Step 2 CK) - Obstetrics & Gynecology
Classroom Style Videos (USMLE Step 2 CK) (1:11)
USMLE Step 2 CK 'OB/GYN' Handout (PDF)
Pregnancy Overview (8:54)
Pregnancy complications part 1 (6:47)
Pregnancy complications part 2 (6:01)
Stages Changes of Labor (5:53)
Fetal Changes around Delivery (5:34)
Placental and Uterine complications around Delivery (5:43)
Pregnancy related phenomena (3:26)
Multisystem related complications in pregnancy (6:02)
High risk Pregnancy (1:31)
Post Partum Care (3:28)
Vulvar Vaginal Pathologies (5:24)
Uterine Pathologies (4:10)
Ovarian Pathologies (3:34)
Genitourinary Infections (4:12)
GU infections Part 2 (2:53)
Incontinence Types (4:31)
Primary Amenorrhea Part 1 (4:09)
Primary Amenorrhea Part 2 (8:24)
Secondary Amenorrhea (2:17)
Contraception (2:05)
Breast Pathology (2:38)
USMLE Ethics, PBLI, Patient Safety & Physician Communication
USMLE Ethics, PBLI, Patient Safety & Physician Communication - PDF Handout
Ethics, PBLI, Patient Safety & Physician Communication Handout
Introduction to Ethics (5:36)
Core Ethical Principles (48:37)
Public Health Sciences (16:00)
Nosocomial Infections (8:50)
Patient Safety (18:02)
Physician Communication (4:43)
Anti-Depressants (Typical & Atypicals)
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